Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who knows if?...and what choice, vow and path of action will we take?


A statement and a question made by Mordecai to Esther in Esther 4:14...who knows IF you have not attained Royalty, power, a kingdom for such a time as this. The word if speaks of conditional clauses,  of possible situations, of impossible situations. It's the same "IF" my people in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. One singular word...IF has so much power. I've often written and spoke upon the power of choice, and rightfully so, but I have left out a power that follows that, and it is the power in the vow, the word spoken stemming from the choice made then, the "legs" that put it all into motion & being, or as James says faith without works is dead. 

Mordecai was issuing a Spiritual truth to Esther in the first part of verse 14, that first she must make a choice by stating: "For if  you remain silent at this timerelief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father's house will perish."

Esther made a choice, as it turns out, the right choice, and then first believing what Mordecai had stated...who knows IF...she then made a vow and put into motion and action the power of her choice, the power of her vow, and finally the power of the putting into gear the power of all three. The outcome was blessed! 

The "IF" that begins 2nd Chronicles 7:14 is just that powerful. IF My people...reminds me of Ezekiel 22 with God speaking of the sins of Israel and makes the statement in verse 30..."I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the landso that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Please insert the word IF here! The understanding or revelation leads to what choice will you make leads to a vow that corresponds to that choice which leads to the path of action you take. 

I must admit that the study of the power of the vow made after the choice which was made when we received knowledge and revelation of what God says came about from reading the book "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn.  In it he outlines the vow given by Israel and ultimately by America found in Isaiah 9:10. Here is a choice made and a vow, but this time the vow is not good. It is a vow of pride and a vow of "we will do this in our own power and strength". The vow that we will rebuild is only bad when we look at the spirit and motive behind it. Take Nehemiah for example. He heard about the terrible condition of Jerusalem, its remant and broken down walls and gates. But he did not say anything until he wept, fasted and confessed his sins and the sins of his people before the Lord and asked for His guidance, council and leadership. First came the revelation or knowledge, then what would he do with it? He had a choice, to become prideful and defiant as they did in Isaiah chapter 9, or fall on his face before the Only True God and Father. His choice was to first of all repent then his vow to God, then the power of choice continued with action but only after he repented and made sure he heard from God as to what He wanted him to do!  

Here in lies the dichotomy of the two extremes. Both have power but one ended in judgment, the other ended in justice. One is rebuilt only to fall to the enemy, the other rebuilt to the Praise and Glory of God.  

America is here, at this time. God is asking us a question, judgment or justice? He does not ever want judgment but when an individual, group or a nation removes Him from there lives, asks Him to please move out of the way so we can do our own thing, in our own strength and might, the we have ultimately asked for justice to be removed. Then there is nothing left by judgment and destruction. Or how will we escape if we neglect so great a Salvation?

IF My people and IF we who know, understand and have at least enough revelation and truth to know this is true do fall on our knees before the Holy God, repent for our own sins and the sins of our Country, to exercise the right power of choice, vow and action, God's promise is mighty! On the other hand the wrong power of choice, vow and action leaves no other choice but judgment, and the enemy who hates God and all he stands for will be more than glad to accomodate!  

An who knows IF we have not been called to the Kingdom for just such a time as this?  



Posted via email from RomansVIII

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