Friday, May 25, 2012

Steve Young's May 2012 Newsletter

Welcome to the most current Housing Trends eNewsletter. This eNewsletter is specially designed for you, with national and local housing information that you may find useful whether you’re in the market for a home, thinking about selling your home, or just interested in homeowner issues in general. 

Please click on this link to view the Housing Trends MAY-2012 Newsletter 

 Steve Young with RE/MAX May 2012 Newsletter!

The Housing Trends eNewsletter contains the latest information from the National Association of REALTORS®, the U.S. Census Bureau, reports and other sources. 

Housing Trends eNewsletter is filled with local and national real estate sales and price activity provided by MLSs and the National Association of Realtors, U.S. Census Bureau key market indicators, consumer videos, blogs, real estate glossary, mortgage rates and calculators, consumer articles, and local community reports. 

If you are interested in determining the value of your home, click the “Home Evaluator” link for a free evaluation report: 

Click here for a FREE evaluation of your home regarding selling or leasing!

Sound decisions can only be made with accurate and reliable information, and I am happy to be a trusted resource for you. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this monthly eNewsletter, and I look forward to answering any questions you may have and to the opportunity to be your REALTOR® in the future. 

Sincerely yours, 

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
4105 S Bowen Rd Arlington TX 76016 

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Celebration of Life

I was very honored to open and direct the celebration of life for Joey Wommack yesterday, May 23rd. The event held at the Arlington Board of Realtors was well attended and it was enjoyable to see so many good friends, some I hadn't seen in awhile.

Among the many funny stories told...although some just could not be shared...I was glad that it was pointed out by several folks the multiplied hours of volunteer work Joey put in, not only to the Arlington Board but also in helping get our regional MLS started. I saw first hand this unselfish work he gave to make our business easier and more obtainable to all agents. One thing for sure, Joey did not have what I call "small thinking"! He was always looking at the broad picture and into the future regarding the Real Estate business. He was not afraid of change!

Joey and Paula were a huge help to me when I started the business and I owe a lot to the both of them for their teaching, guidance and friendship!

Steve Young

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

Follow me on Twitter! 

Steve Young's Blog

If you do not want to receive emails from Steve Young, please reply with “remove” in the subject line, and I will remove you from my mailing list.

Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Check out my post

When paths cross

Always amazed at how God works out his plan, more amazed how He uses someone as insignificant as me! And, even more amazed when I trust the leadership of the Holy Spirit and then get to watch the plan of God unfold, in my life and also in the lives of others He puts in my path. These are the times that typically I have had another course thought I should take then thankfully stopped to pray, felt led to go another direction even though it didn't seem right, trusted in hearing my Fathers voice and then began to see the reason!
Praise the Lord for His kindness, patience, faithfulness and unfailing love.

Come to think of it, thank you Lord that we are not insignificant to you! Jeremiah 29:11

Posted via email from RomansVIII

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kerby's Point of View - National Day of Prayer

Very good and interesting article regarding our National Day of Prayer today, May 3rd, 2012. I think it worth mentioning that Jesus asked His disciples, could you not watch and pray for even an hour? An hour here in the Greek did mean an hour as we know it but it also means, according to Strongs Concordance, a certain definite time or season. They kept falling asleep and the Lord kept trying to get them to wake up. Romans 13:11...for you know what a critical hour this is, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep...
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May 3, 2012

National Day of Prayer
by Kerby Anderson



Today is the National Day of Prayer. It is a vital part of our American heritage.
The first call to prayer happened before the American Revolution. In 1775, the
Continental Congress called on the colonists to pray for wisdom as they considered how
they would respond to the King of England.

Perhaps one of the most powerful calls to prayer came from President Abraham
Lincoln during the Civil War. In 1863, he issued a proclamation for a day
of “humiliation, fasting and prayer.” Here is some of that proclamation.

“We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven. We have been
preserved, these many years, in peace and prosperity. We have grown in numbers, wealth
and power, as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have
forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and
strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all
these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the
necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.”

In 1952, Congress passed and President Harry Truman signed a resolution which
declared an annual, national day of prayer. In 1988, President Reagan signed into law a
bill that designated the first Thursday of May as the time for the National Day of Prayer.
That is why various celebrations throughout this country are taking place today.

It is estimated that there have been more than one hundred thirty national calls to
prayer, humiliation, fasting, and thanksgiving by presidents of the United States. There
have been sixty Presidential Proclamations for a National Day of Prayer because every
president has signed these proclamations. And there have been almost 1,000 state and
federal calls for national prayer since 1775.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. Please pray for this nation and its leaders.
I’m Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.

Point of View | P.O. Box 30 | Dallas, TX 75221

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Posted via email from RomansVIII