Tuesday, January 31, 2012

His Word

When I first came to the Romans VIII Ministries Church I attend in August of 1986 their slogan was and still is; God is God, His Word is True and He loves you.  [I thought, duh, I know that. Truth is I did not know that, at least to the Revelation I have now! Surely because of my upbringing and being made to go to Church (now I hear some say that was manipulation & child abuse!), I had heard about the Good News" and did know something of God's Love but, after all these years still learning more and more. Ephesians 3:17-20]

 This statement of David comes from 2 Samuel 7:28 where, earlier in the chapter, God had made David magnificent promises, one of them being a house for the Lord. Look at Psalm 132 to further get Davids vision and God's response, then 1 Corinthians 3:16 & 6:19 to get established in the fact that God is not speaking of a natural house but He wants to live in us and wants us to live in Him. More foundational Scripture of this is the "True" Lords prayer which can be found in John 17, especially versus 21-23.

This was on my heart this morning and there are so many more Scriptures that go with all this that we can spend eternity discovering them! Sounds pretty cool to me!

Have a great rest of the week and remember: God is God, His Word is true and He Loves YOU!


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Friday, January 27, 2012

Mozart's birthday

Today, Jan. 27th 1756 marks the birthday of  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His baptismal name was Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart. I figure with a name like that you must compose great classical pieces!

I have always enjoyed classical music and there is not too many compositions he did that I don't like! Many of the Classical radio stations are playing a lot of Mozart today so enjoy.

Have a great weekend,


Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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Steve Young's January 2012 Newsletter

Welcome to the most current Housing Trends eNewsletter. This eNewsletter is specially designed for you, with national and local housing information that you may find useful whether you’re in the market for a home, thinking about selling your home, or just interested in homeowner issues in general. 

Please click on this link to view the Housing Trends JANUARY 2012 Newsletter Steve Young's January 2012 Newsletter 

If you are interested in determining the value of your home, click the “Home Evaluator” link for a free evaluation report: 

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Sound decisions can only be made with accurate and reliable information, and I am happy to be a trusted resource for you. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this monthly eNewsletter, and I look forward to answering any questions you may have and to the opportunity to be your REALTOR® in the future. 

Sincerely yours, 

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Simplicity of the message

God said, be the man I've called you to be so you can be the man she needs you to be.

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
817 276 5149

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Commercial +/-.98 acre lot-Mansfield TX for sale

View S Main St in a larger map

Prime location across and near industrial & light business. Close to expanding Heritage business Park & FM 917 area. 

Directions: Main St from downtown Mansfield south, property on east side before you get to FM 917. Main St borders on W side, Price on East side. Pie shaped lot. +/- .98ac @$3.98 sq. ft.
corner view.jpg
Approx 1 mile to budding Downtown Mansfield, approx. 3.5 mi to Walnut Creek Golf and Country Club, great access to developing south corridor of Mansfield, Burleson, Midlothian, Ennis areas via 287 and FM 917/FM 157. Approx 10 mi to Estes & Lynn Creek Parks at Joe Pool Lake.

View S Main St in a larger map


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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Kerby's Point of View - Founding Fathers

Excellent article from Kirby Anderson with Point of View
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January 18, 2012

Founding Fathers
by Kerby Anderson



    A number of authors have gone back to the writings of the founding fathers to gain insight into our current political and economic challenges. Jerry Newcombe with Truth in Action Ministries writes about Answers from the Founding Fathers. He has co-authored other history books with D. James Kennedy and believes that America became the most free and prosperous nation in history by following the political wisdom of our founders.

    A foundational principle in his book is the God is the source of our rights. We see this important principle whether we look at the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, or the U.S. Constitution. The book also documents from academic research done awhile ago that the Bible was cited in documents in the founding era more than any other source. And political perspectives on limited government as well as checks and balances also came from biblical ideas.

    Education in early America was thoroughly Christian. And religious liberty springs from biblical concepts of covenant and the proper role of the institutions of church and state. Even the economic foundation of America can trace some of its influence back to the writings of the founding fathers.


    Ron DeSantis writes about Dreams of our Founding Fathers. If the title sounds similar to Barack Obama’s book, Dreams of My Father, that is intentional. He quotes extensively from the Federalist Papers and other writings by the founders to counter many of the ideas expressed by the current president.

    Key to understanding the founders is to examine their “first principles” which Alexander Hamilton called “primary truths” in Federalist No. 31. These essays were written by him and James Madison and John Jay to make the case for ratification.

    They wrote about republican government, limited government, judicial authority, and even about the proper use of military power. When we compare what the founders wrote to the structure of government today, we see a stark contrast.

    It’s true that the founders didn’t get everything right. But they provided a mechanism to change the constitution through amendment. These two authors remind us of the wisdom of the founders we need as we confront the political and economic challenges today. I’m Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.


Point of View | P.O. Box 30 | Dallas, TX 75221

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

First time homebuyer programs

The Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation's (TSAHC) first-time homebuyer programs now include grants to help buyers cover down payment and closing costs.

Homebuyers who qualify for TSAHC's Professional Educators, Homes for Texas Heroes or Home Sweet Texas Home (click here for a list of who qualifies under each program) can receive a grant of 5 percent of the loan amount. The grant can be applied toward down payment and closing costs.

In addition to qualifying for one of these programs, the person must be a first-time homebuyer, or not had an ownership interest in any residence during the last three years; meet the income and home purchase price limits; complete a HUD-approved homebuyer education course before closing on the loan; and reside in Texas

Call or email me with questions and to get a list of approved participating mortgage lenders in this area and a list of qualifications for the program or click on the link above.

Then let's get a plan together and find you that "just right" home!

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cara Young

I wanted to say thank you to all that commented on facebook, sent emails, called and that I saw in person regarding Cara. Your remembering her and your kindness to me have helped to uphold and strengthen me, not only at this time but everyday. I pray a special prayer of peace for you and your family. Before Cara passed away she was concerned that Dad would be taken care of. With so great a love from you all, I am and, Cara is smiling!!

I love and appreciate you all,

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
817 276 5149

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A New years Resolve...instead of a resolution...

One of the meanings of resolution is resolve but a further study  shows that to be resolved is an even stronger position, a very definite and determined decision, as the Apostle Paul wrote about in Philippians 3:10, his determined purpose to know Him!I

Several "resolves" can be found in other places too. In the book of Ezra, chapter 7-verse 10 states that Ezra Had set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it and teach God's statutes and ordinances in Israel. A resolve to STUDY, PRACTICE & TEACH. Ezra 7:10

In Daniel 1:8 Daniel made up his mind, or, made that resolve...

Jesus said in Luke 21:14 to Resolve, settle it in your minds...

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Websters defines this as a yearly recurrence of the date of a past event, the celebration or commemoration (a service, memorial of that event or person) of such a day. This is such a day since it was this day that my Daughter and best friend passed away. Seems like it happened just this morning yet also seems like it happened a thousand years ago too. Now comes the option or, what I call the power of choice. I will either let sadness & loneliness come in to rule or I will make that quality decision that the Psalmist David made...This is the day that the Lord has made, then, the power of choice comes in here...I will be glad and rejoice in it! I've found as I make the right choice, the choice to believe and trust in the Lord even if and when I don't understand, it is always at these times God comes mightily on the scene and I am lifted up in His Love, comfort, in His caring and probably most important for me, His Faithfulness.

So on this day of, yes, sadness but most of all it is, as others days are, a celebration in my heart of a most wonderful young lady that I respect so much, that again, by His faithfulness, He brings someone into my life that didn't just happen or was just by chance but truly a miracle! I would explain more but I don't think I can say it any better than what I read when I got up this morning...

"Can you fall in love with someone just from a conversation with so much in common? Or, if the other person has the same values from experiences, good, bad and sad...and still loves and trusts God and lives HIS word? Plus, if the other person can make you laugh so hard you are flinging laughter tears and your cheeks hurt from that laughing? I don't have to take a poll. Yes to all! :) Cannot wait for tomorrow!"

 I love you Cara and wish you were here to meet this person! 
It just dawned on me, somehow I know you are!


Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

Senior Real Estate Specialist

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