I'm doing this blog under my Romans VIII site even though I'm at a Texas Assoc. of Realtors State convention because, along with real estate the talk from many is the state and condition of our country.
Many are very concerned, even some downright afraid of the current state and direction this United States of America is now in and heading to. And, I might add, rightfully so to feel that way!
I've never been one to be an alarmist but as the Word of God says it's time to sound the alarm on My Holy Mountain! Please, at least follow Gods reasoning and logic in testing and trying the spirits to see if they be from God. Being careful to sift what you hear. Remember, Jesus said as in the days of Noah...
What to do? As my brother in the Lord Gary Maler and I were discussing, better pray and seek His face while He still can be found. For in a flood of great waters... And I might add 1 Peter 4:17.
Again, the Gaither song...theres a line drawn down through the ages...and the Lord Jesus himself said...you are either for Me or against Me, you are either gathering with Me or scattering. Lets get real and judge ourselves at this time to see where we stand, and I suppose, where we want to stand. Psalm 2 talks about those on one side of the fence & those on the other. Joshua discusses this, making the bold statement...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
Posted via email from RomansVIII