Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Abraham Lincoln's birthday is today, born Feb. 12th, 1806.

which gives a good synopsis of all the Presidents. This excerpt was taken from this site...

The spirit that guided him was clearly that of his Second Inaugural Address, now inscribed on one wall of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C.: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds.... "

I have added...2 Chronicles 7:14

Steve Young                             

RE/MAX Associates

(817) 276-5149


Senior Real Estate Specialist

Steve Young's Blog

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Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Friday, February 8, 2013

Some more good news for Texans

Received this from the Real Estate Center. ..

SANTA MONICA, Calif. (RCLCO) – Seven Texas metros are on RCLCO's list of regional hotspots for economic growth.

Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington and Houston-Sugar Land-Baytown were included on the list of large U.S. metros, while Tyler, Longview, Midland and Texarkana were on the list of small metros.

In addition, half the cities on RCLCO's list of metros where employment is back to peak levels are in Texas: DFW, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, El Paso and Corpus Christi.

RCLCO Managing Director Paige Mueller said "diversified employment bases, including energy and technology sectors, are benefiting the Texas economy as are low cost of doing business, warm climate, and proximity to trade routes."

Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A BIG thank you...

...To all that came to the RE/MAX office lunch they put on for my birthday. I appreciate each and every one of you and all the folks that have wished me a happy birthday which is actually today, Feb. 5th. 

When folks ask how can you be so happy about turning 60 I just tell them I'm happy because the alternative is not what I want!

Steve Y.

Steve Young                             

RE/MAX Associates

(817) 276-5149


Senior Real Estate Specialist

Steve Young's Blog

If you do not want to receive emails from Steve Young, please reply with “remove” in the subject line, and I will remove you from my mailing list.

Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Top ten turning 60 stuff!

Shared these with the group yesterday and several asked that I post so sending out in my blog...

Not all are true yet...whatever!

Top 10 truths, thoughts, questions, concerns & ideas I’ve had re. turning 60…

10     My saying has been…it’s not the age, it’s the miles…now…it’s the miles…and the age!

9         I wonder how much more cost for a walker w/wheels…& some of those nice tennis ball covers?

8         Really, $4,500 for one tooth? I can remember when they were much, much less!

7         No, I don’t wear my wranglers as tight as I used to…getting in those extra heavy starched jeans was like running a 5K run just to get the damn things on! Oh, and make that “medium starch” please!

6         Some people take something to read when they have to go #2…I now take reading material while standing for #1

5         I feel Moses & I now have even more in common than just ssssttturing

4         The statement…older than dirt just isn’t as funny as I used to think it was & the term “spring chicken” is now…”fall rooster”

3         I’ve never given being “un-friended” from someone on Facebook any real thought or concern, but did you have to do it on my birthday? Guess turning 60 was just too much for em’

2         And now, if someone says to you, I don’t think this is very funny or, Young’s really a dork…just look at the person and say, the Dude is 60, what do you expect!

1         Even at 60, I can still hear Cara saying…Dad, that girl is way too young!

Steve Young                             

RE/MAX Associates

(817) 276-5149


Senior Real Estate Specialist

Steve Young's Blog

If you do not want to receive emails from Steve Young, please reply with “remove” in the subject line, and I will remove you from my mailing list.

Posted via email from Steve Young with RE/MAX Associates posts

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Doing studies this AM I was reading a book given me for an early birthday present named, " Now your 60!...Fun facts for your generation".


Listed in the early teenage years of music in our era it discusses the "revolutionary music" which was both reflected and fueled by the times we were in and that perhaps Bob Dylan said it best and actually one of my favorite songs the Byrds did along with their song-"my back pages":

"Come gather round people wherever you roam
and admit that the waters around you have grown
and accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin'
then  you better start swimmin'
or you'll sink like a stone...
For the times they are a-changin'

The world we live in there are changes coming that will not be good but In the Lord these times of change will bring times of renewing, refreshing and strength. But only for those who dwell in the safety, security and protection of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
Psalm 91

Posted via email from RomansVIII

Times of change

Doing studies this AM I was reading a book given me for an early birthday present named, "Now your 60!...Fun facts for your generation".


Listed in the early teenage years of music in our era it discusses the "revolutionary music" which was both reflected and fueled by the times we were in and that perhaps Bob Dylan said it best and actually one of my favorite songs the Byrds did along with their song-"my back pages":

"Gather 'round people Wherever you roam 
And admit that the waters Around you have grown 
And accept it that soon You'll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you Is worth savin' 
Then you better start swimmin' Or you'll sink like a stone 
For the times they are a-changin'"
The world we live in there are changes coming that will not be good but In the Lord these times of change will bring times of renewing, refreshing and strength. But only for those who dwell in the safety, security and protection of Him who has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
Psalm 91

Posted via email from RomansVIII