Interest rates...did you ever think that rates would be this low, for this long?
Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149
steve@steveyoung.proIf you do not want to receive emails from Steve Young, please reply with “remove” in the subject line, and I will remove you from my mailing list.
Couple that with very affordable housing costs in our North Texas area and we should be seeing record numbers of home buying going on.
I understand the negative press and worries of the economic situation, but home ownership is still the American dream and what an opportunity we've been given!
Maybe you can't buy right now or really afford to sell but give it time. I had a young couple about a year ago come in to purchase their first home. After meeting with the mortgage officer it was deemed that they could not purchase at that time and would need about a year of reducing some debt, getting a slow pay or two removed and save a small amount for down pay. Almost to the day one year later they called, having worked diligently on the homework that had been given them, re submitted their application to mortgage company and a few months later moved into their first home! In their own words...pride of obtaining the American dream and much better than renting! All this came about because they did things right! From getting pre approved to diligent work on repairing their credit to saving some money!
Wow, what a concept!
Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149
steve@steveyoung.proIf you do not want to receive emails from Steve Young, please reply with “remove” in the subject line, and I will remove you from my mailing list.
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