Websters defines this as a yearly recurrence of the date of a past event, the celebration or commemoration (a service, memorial of that event or person) of such a day. This is such a day since it was this day that my Daughter and best friend passed away. Seems like it happened just this morning yet also seems like it happened a thousand years ago too. Now comes the option or, what I call the
power of choice. I will either let sadness & loneliness come in to rule or I will make that quality decision that the Psalmist David made...
This is the day that the Lord has made, then, the power of choice comes in here...I will be glad and rejoice in it! I've found as I make the right choice, the choice to believe and trust in the Lord even if and when I don't understand, it is always at these times God comes mightily on the scene and I am lifted up in His Love, comfort, in His caring and probably most important for me, His Faithfulness.
So on this day of, yes, sadness but most of all it is, as others days are, a celebration in my heart of a most wonderful young lady that I respect so much, that again, by His faithfulness, He brings someone into my life that didn't just happen or was just by chance but truly a miracle! I would explain more but I don't think I can say it any better than what I read when I got up this morning...
"Can you fall in love with someone just from a conversation with so much in common? Or, if the other person has the same values from experiences, good, bad and sad...and still loves and trusts God and lives HIS word? Plus, if the other person can make you laugh so hard you are flinging laughter tears and your cheeks hurt from that laughing? I don't have to take a poll. Yes to all! :) Cannot wait for tomorrow!"
I love you Cara and wish you were here to meet this person!
It just dawned on me, somehow I know you are!
Posted via email from Steve Young's posts