Thursday, November 25, 2010


Growing up in a small but loving, tight knit family, the holidays were always special, but then most every day was too. And when the last of my family that raised me passed away, Mom, then my Aunt & then my Uncle, it really left a huge void in my life, especially at this time of year. But at least I had my daughter Cara. Well, when she died of cystic fibrosis in 2008, I truly felt like I could not go on, especially, again, at this time of the year. 

Interesting that the French mathematician, Blaise Pascal wrote regarding voids...

“There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus”. He understood that the void will be filled with something!

The thought of not having any family, especially a family that relied on each other, was, let me be honest, too much for me. Here is where we all come to at some particular point and time in our lives, a time when what we have known, trusted and relied upon is gone, or at least maybe we can't rely on it anymore, and we are presented a choice, I call it a mile marker in our life that we must make crucial decisions, decisions to give in to sadness & hopelessness, or to say no to these and move forward. I will not be timid or ashamed to declare that I made decisions to move forward, but not in my strength for it was gone, but falling on my knees and asking for help from the Lord. I have always loved my Grandmothers favorite Scripture, Psalm 121:1,2  I will lift up my eyes to the hills, From whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth. 

When I made this decision, and don't think it was some thing that I still don't have to daily walk through, I was blessed to have more than a large number of friends that constantly extend their hand of love and friendship out to me. And that continues. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, I am overwhelmed by the love and kindness shown me. I can not count the number of invitations to join with other families, not counting the ones that call or have someone else ask what I am doing at these times of the year, not wanting me to be alone! Wow, it's like the credit card commercial...PRICELESS! 
So for any and all that find themselves, for whatever reason or situation, alone or struggling in life and especially during the holidays, call out and receive the help that the Psalmist David was talking about. He's no respecter of persons and what He does for one, He WILL do for all, for all that simply ask!
Thank you to all my friends that are so loving and caring with great generosity toward me, you have helped in making all my days, weeks, months & years a true Thanksgiving, everyday!

Steve Young
RE/MAX Associates
(817) 276-5149

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